Selasa, 04 September 2007


Bandrek hanjuang is indonesian special drink made from non-preservative natural extracts with perfect blend composition and carefully and hygienically processed.

Bandrek hanjuang is not only the mixture of ginger and sugar but also completed by natural spices created special taste and flavor.

Bandrek hanjuang can refresh and warm our body.

Palm sugar, sugar, cream, ginger, and natural spices.

Serving way:
- to get the best result, mix a sachet of bandrek

Hanjuang with 150 cc (1 cup) boiled water.

- stir it thoroughly, keep it in a minute, and ready to

Be served.

Shelf life:
24 months

Address: Jl Sempurna Vi No 144b, Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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